HSK Level 2

HSK Level II assesses the test-taker’s ability to use everyday Mandarin Chinese. Those who pass HSK (Level II) have a good understanding of basic Mandarin and can communicate in simple and direct exchanges of information on daily and routine topics.

HSK Level II is designed for students who have studied Mandarin for two semesters (one academic year), with 2-3 hours of classes each week. Students have mastered 300 commonly used words and related grammar patterns.

Let’s try the HSK 2 Mock Test

HSK 2 Test Structure

I. Listening

There are 10 items in Section I. The recording for each item will be played twice. A sentence and a picture will be provided with each item. Test-takers must decide whether the statement is true or false based on what they hear.

There are 10 items in Section II. The recording for each item will be played twice. For each item, a dialogue and several pictures will be provided. Test-takers must choose the appropriate answer based on what they hear.

There are 10 items in Section III. The recording for each item will be played twice. Each item consists of a dialogue between two people, with a third person asking a related question. There will be three possible answers on the test paper from which test-takers can choose the correct one based on the dialogue.

There are 5 items in Section IV. The recording for each item will be played twice. Each item consists of 4-5 sentences of dialogue between two people, with a third person asking a question at the end of the section. There will be three possible answers on the test paper from which test-takers can choose the correct answer based on what they hear in the dialogue.

II. Reading

There are 5 items in Section I. Several pictures will be shown on the test paper. For each item, a sentence will be provided. Test-takers must choose the picture that corresponds to the sentence.

There are 5 items in Section II. For each item, one or two sentences will be provided with one word missing. Test-takers must choose one word from the answer section to fill in the blank.

There are 5 items in Section III. For each item, two sentences will be provided. Test-takers must decide whether the second sentence is consistent with the first sentence or not.

There are 10 items in Section IV. In this section, 20 sentences will be provided. Test-takers will be asked to find correlations between the sentences.

Pinyin is provided for all test items on the exam paper.

HSK 2 Mock Test

HSK Paper 20901
Exam Paper 20901
HSK Paper 20902
Exam Paper 20902
HSK Paper 21003
Exam Paper 21003